Online CSV Editor and Viewer

Explore and edit your Leads, Customers or Products CSV files online.

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Online CSV Editor and Viewer

What is a CSV file?

What is a CSV file?

CSV stands for 'Comma Separated Value(s)' and is a format to store structured data using text files. In a CSV file, each line is a data record. And each record is made of fields separated by commas (or sometimes by semicolons ';' or tabular keys).

CSV files are a common way to transfer data between applications. Because it relies on text files, the CSV format is a simple way to export database or spreadsheet data.

Open CSV files online

Open CSV files online

Upload your CSV files directly within your web browser. Datablist CSV Editor will automatically detect the CSV column delimiter.

Select the CSV columns to import and define data types: Text, LongText, Date, Number, Email address, etc.

Once imported, use Datablist to sort on any property and filter your data with full text search.

Clean and consolidate your CSV files

Stop using Excel or Google Sheets for data manipulation 😱!

Remove duplicates

Find, edit or remove duplicates in a snap!
Remove duplicates
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Consolidate your data

Consolidate several listings into one using column identifiers. Merging and joining listings is finally made easy!
Consolidate your data
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Why use Datablist's CSV editor?

Clean your Mailing List

Email lists is the perfect way to reach your user base. But overtime, a list becomes messy. Improve deliverability and save money with Datablist. Remove duplicates and invalid email addresses easily.

Manage your Product Catalogs

Every e-commerce tool allows import/export of product catalog with CSV files. Whether it's cleaning your product catalog before sending it to Google Shopping, or consolidating several shops into a single collection, Datablist is tailored for listings management.

Enrich your Leads

You have a prospect list that you want to enrich with email addresses, job titles, LinkedIn profile, etc.? CRM tools are great to track and enrich leads once they have shown interest. However, for prospect list building and scoring a large amount of leads they show limitations. Datablist is a perfect prospects tracking tool.

Track your SEO keywords

Building a SEO strategy? Use Datablist to save your SEO keywords, list your competitors, analyze monthly search volume and keyword difficulty. Write down your blog post ideas and track competitor blog posts to watch.

The most complete CSV Viewer and Editor online

Filtering a CSV file has never been easier

Filter you data using one or multiple filters. Combine them to create advanced queries.

Available filters are compatible with your data types. Properties with datetime data are compared with dates. Number properties are filtered with number ranges.

Filtering a CSV file has never been easier

Filter relevant items in your CSV data

Looking for matching items in thousands of CSV lines is challenging. Datablist makes it easy to full-text search your CSV files.

Search results are grouped to see important items at a glance.

Filter relevant items in your CSV data

Sort CSV data online

Sorting your items is a big part of manipulating data. Datablist gives you powerful ways to organize the data in your collections.

Your data is sorted according to the Data Types. Numbers, Dates, and other types are sorted logically.

Sort CSV data online

No just a CSV Viewer

Unlike analytic platforms that are just read-only. View and edit your CSV data in Datablist.

Remove items or create new ones as you would do with a database.

No just a CSV Viewer
Open Datablist
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CSV Cleaner

CSV files can be prone to errors, inconsistencies, and formatting issues, which can make them difficult to work with and analyze. CSV cleaning refers to the process of detecting and correcting these issues in a CSV file, ensuring that the data is accurate, consistent, and properly formatted. 👉 Check our guide on data cleaning.

CSV Deduplication

Data deduplication is an important aspect of CSV cleaning. With Datablist Duplicates Finder, you can compare data based on all the available columns or selectively choose specific columns for comparison. With its advanced algorithm, this tool can quickly scan even large datasets and identify duplicates in a matter of seconds. In addition to identifying duplicate records in your CSV files, Datablist Duplicate Finder offers a powerful merging feature. It consolidates duplicate records into a single, accurate record. You can customize the merging process to ensure that all data is included in the final consolidated record, or by dropping conflicting data.

Convert data types

Converting data types is a common task for CSV cleaning. It ensures data accuracy and consistency by transforming data values into standardized formats. With data type conversion, you can change the format of values in your CSV to match specific data types, such as DateTime, Numbers, or Boolean. Data type conversion is important for filtering your CSV and transforming your string data into standardized formats to be imported into other tools.

Clean HTML tags and remove symbols

Datablist comes with a built-in cleaning tool to convert HTML code with tags into plain text. Other cleaning tools include removing smileys and symbols from texts and removing unnecessary spaces. With all those cleaning tools, you can improve the readability and usability of your data. By removing unnecessary noise and symbols, you can make your data more clear and more concise. Improving your data quality is the first step to building complex data workflows.

Find and Replace

The 'Find and Replace' tool is perfect for data cleaning tasks. Search for specific values or patterns and replace them with the correct or desired values. This helps rectify spelling mistakes, formatting inconsistencies, or other data entry errors that may occur within your data. Use it for the standardization of your data. Search for different variations or formats of a specific value and replace them with a standardized format. Datablist Find and Replace offers a text-based search and an advanced mode based on regular expressions.

An online yet powerful CSV Editor

An online yet powerful CSV Editor

Other online CSV editors offer simple features to open and view CSV files. And most of the time they are stuffed with ads. Datablist is an online CSV editor, and yet it brings powerful features to open large CSV files without installing an app on your computer. It leverages your browser capabilities to store and process data.

You can create a new CSV file from scratch, parse external CSV files, or open Excel files. Once opened, use the built-in filter and sorting tool to explore your data. Or clean and edit your CSV data. And all the data manipulation is accessible with an easy-to-use interface within your browser.

A powerful CSV manipulation tool

CSV files can be prone to errors, inconsistencies, and formatting issues, which can make them difficult to work with and analyze. CSV cleaning refers to the process of detecting and correcting these issues in a CSV file, ensuring that the data is accurate, consistent, and properly formatted.

Bulk Edit

Datablist Bulk edit simplifies the CSV cleaning process. Make changes to multiple items at once. Apply changes to entire collections, edit filtered items or bulk edit selected items. It is a highly efficient tool for managing and updating large datasets. With Datablist Bulk Edit, you can standardize your data. Apply consistent formatting and values to all relevant records. Find and replace is another valuable tool for CSV cleaning that can help you. With the Find and Replace tool, update or correct data values in your dataset with text or regular expression patterns.

Write JavaScript codes for data manipulation

JavaScript is a powerful language that can be used directly in Datablist to clean your data. One of the key benefits of using JavaScript for CSV cleaning is its flexibility. Spreadsheet tools use formulas that can be complex and slow. JavaScript can be used to create custom scripts that can perform a wide range of cleaning tasks, from simple formatting and data type conversion to more complex data transformations and analysis. If needed, you can use JavaScript code to call external APIs to extend the cleaning possibilities.

Split and Merge CSV columns

Splitting and merging CSV columns is a useful technique for CSV cleaning. It helps you to restructure and organize your data in a more meaningful way. For example, if you have a single column that contains multiple data values separated by a delimiter, such as a comma or a semicolon, you can split the column into multiple columns based on the delimiter. This is perfect to clean names and splitting a full name into first-name and last-name parts. Or to get a domain from an email address. On the other hand, merging CSV columns can help you to combine multiple data values into a single, comprehensive column. This can be useful to consolidate text into a single column, such as merging all postal address parts into a single address text.

Reconcile your data from multiple CSV files

Data reconciliation is easy with Datablist. Import your multiple data sources into several collections. Then select common identifiers between the lists to join them together. Datablist has 'FULL OUTER JOIN' and 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' join options. You can configure how to merge conflicting data. Skip or merge the imported data. Reconciling CSV sources will help you with your financial data, your customer data, and your prospecting.

A CSV Editor for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux

Datablist CSV Editor is compatible with all platforms and operating systems. Open your CSV files online on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Linux

Harnessing the power of modern web browser technologies, our app breaks down platform barriers. Your data is loaded into a local database that runs in your web browser. With Cloud Synchronization, Datablist keeps your data synced in the cloud and across your team members.

A CSV Editor for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux

Parse and Modify CSV files online

Parse and Modify CSV files online

Effortlessly parse and modify CSV files online with our intuitive app, boasting lightning-fast speeds. Seamlessly parse, extract, and organize data from your CSV (and Excel) files, all within a user-friendly web-based interface.

Say goodbye to complex installations or compatibility issues. Datablist ensures hassle-free CSV parsing from any device with an internet connection.

Datablist parses big CSV files in a few seconds so you start extracting valuable insights quickly.

Modify your CSV data directly with Datablist and export to CSV or Microsoft Excel format.
